Phase 1 Desk Study

Our Phase 1 Desk Study service is a low-cost, high-value service which helps to identify potential geotechnical, environmental and ground engineering hazards at an early stage.

What is a Phase 1 Desk Study?

A desk study is the collation and review of information already available about a site, and is carried out at an early stage of site appraisal to inform and guide the remainder of the site investigation. The desk study includes a visual inspection of the site and its surrounding area, usually referred to as a walkover survey.

Why Commission a Desk Study?

The historical use of land can have an impact on its future use. Potential contaminated land issues can be a key concern to land buyers and developers, as banks or mortgage providers may not release funds prior to a report being completed. Most Local Authorities Planning Departments now also often request a Phase 1 Desk Study as part of a planning submission or will set planning conditions following consultation with their Contaminated Land Team or external stakeholders such as the Environment Agency.

What is included within your Desk Study Report?

We have instant access to datasets relating to contamination characteristics of land; past and present. Our extensive in-house database also provides a valuable source of information with respect to anticipated ground conditions and potential geological or engineering issues. Where appropriate, we will also make more in-depth enquiries to the Environment Agency, Local Authority, or local study libraries or undertake searches of coal mining, chalk cavity, radon or petroleum records.

The overall process is designed to produce the Preliminary Conceptual Model for the site, highlighting potential on site and off site sources of contamination and the sensitivity of the site to any such contamination. These potential linkages form the basis upon which the site investigation is designed and reported.

We generally require three working days to compile the preliminary information, with the full desk study report available within 5–7 working days.

Please contact us to discuss your site investigation requirements in further detail.

Get in touch

If you have any questions about our services or would like to discuss how we could help you, please get in touch using our contact form below. Please provide as much information as possible about the nature of your enquiry, particularly the purpose of the investigation, the site address and postcode.

Any existing or proposed site plans are useful and can be attached beneath the message box. Please provide a contact address, email and telephone number. We will get in touch as soon as possible.

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