Contamination testing is generally required as part of the planning approvals process when a site is being redeveloped, as part of the due diligence process during a land purchase, following a pollution incident, to characterise materials for waste disposal purposes or as part of a site condition or verification report.
We provide a full range of contamination testing suites accredited to UKAS and MCERTs for soils, waters and gases through our approved external laboratories.
This service can be on a factual results only basis or our experienced and professional geo-environmental engineers and scientists (including Specialist in Land Condition – SiLC) can provide advice and interpretation where necessary.
Typical contamination testing suites that might be required are:
- Key Contamination Testing Suite (based on former ICRCL 59/83 Tables 3 and 4)
- Asbestos – Presence and Identification, and Quantification analysis
- Metals and Metalloids
- Biological oxygen demand
- Chemical oxygen demand
- Phenols
- Cyanides
- Thiocyanates
- Sulphates / Sulphides / Sulphur
- Total organic carbon / Soil organic matter content
- Mineral oils
- Petroleum hydrocarbons: total, extractable, or speciated.
- Polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH’s)
- Semi volatile organic compounds (SVOC’s)
- Volatile organic compounds (VOC’s)
- Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCB’s)
- Dioxin and Furan Analysis
- NRA Leaching test
- Calorific value
- Nitrates, Nitrites
- Pesticides
- Waste Acceptance Criteria testing (WAC testing)
- Land Gas analysis
- Topsoil analysis
- Water Quality
- Major and Minor Ions
For further information or to discuss your site investigation contamination testing requirements please contact one of our Environmental Team.