Aggregates and Earthworks Testing

Aggregates and earthworks testingOur in-house laboratories are equipped to provide comprehensive aggregates and earthworks testing services which meet the appropriate British and European Standards together with Highways MCHW requirements.

As well as completing standard laboratory, grading, compaction and classification earthworks testing, we also provide engineering advice and assistance with the design and specification for a variety of earthworks operations, as well as undertaking on site monitoring and in-situ testing.

Mechanical, physical and chemical testing is undertaking for a variety of Clients on a wide range of natural and recycled aggregates to ensure they are fit for purpose.

We also offer a thorough on-site material assessment and sampling service.

Earthworks Testing

Natural Water Content BS EN ISO 17892-1 The mechanical properties of a soil often depend on their water content and the test is used in assessment of soil profiles, strength, desiccation etc
Plasticity Index (Atterberg) BS EN ISO 17892-12 The properties of cohesive soils are strongly influenced by the mineralogy of the clays. These tests along with water content are used for classification and to assess mechanical properties and are used for earthworks materials, NHBC volume change potential, desiccation etc.
Particle Density BS EN ISO 17892-3 Used for the determination of porosity and voids ratio. Frequently used in road construction in the determination of the state of compaction of fill materials.
Bulk & Dry Density BS EN ISO 17892-2 The density of soils depends on the density of the solid particles, on the porosity and the moisture content. The dry density is used in the evaluation of porosity and voids ratio. It is frequently used in road construction for the determination of the state of compaction of fill material.
Grading to ‘Highways’ (MCHW) BS EN 933-1 & BS EN ISO 17892-3 A particle size distribution (PSD) test used for grading of aggregates and earthworks materials to determine suitability using grading limits and coefficient of uniformity.
PSD by Pipette Method (sedimentation) BS EN ISO 17892-4 Used in conjunction with a sieve analysis to determine the silt and clay content of a soil. Used in the classification of soil and assessment of their mechanical properties.
300mm Shearbox BS EN ISO 17892-10 & SHW Vol.1 cl. 636 Part 3 Used to determine angle of friction in earthworks  materials that contain a significant proportion of gravel sized particles.
Dry Density Water Content Relationship (compaction) BS1377-2 This test measures the dry density of the compacted soil in relationship to water content depending on the manner of the compaction effort. Compaction influences the shear strength and compressibility of the soil and is frequently used in earthworks and road construction.
Moisture Condition Value (MCV) BS1377-2 Primarily used as a rapid test to determine the moisture suitability of earthwork materials at the construction phase. Calibration lines are usually determined through a range of water contents in the laboratory. The MCV is used to quantify the compactive effort to produce near full compaction and can be correlated with shear strength and CBR value.

Aggregates Testing

Presence & ID of Asbestos HSG 248/RECASB01 Required before carrying out laboratory testing on materials derived from demolition waste such as recycled aggregates (RA).
Particle Identification (Clause 710) Method based on MCHW Cl. 710 Determines the composition of recycled aggregates (RA)
Los Angeles Abrasion (LA) BS EN 1097-2 Determines resistance to fragmentation of aggregates
Micro Deval Abrasion BS EN 1091-1 Determines resistance to wear of aggregates.
Magnesium Sulphate BS EN 1097-2 Determines resistance of an aggregate to frost and thaw.
Frost Heave BS812-124 Determines the amount of movement that may be caused in an aggregate by frost.
Sulphate & Oxidizable Sulphides Content TRRL 447 1, 2 & 4 Limits are set on how close a material bearing sulphates and sulphides can be to concrete and steel members in earthwork structures.
Topsoil Compliance including Contamination Suite BS3882:2015 Determines the suitability of a topsoil for various applications.

The above tables do not list all available tests.

Please contact us to discuss your site investigation testing requirements.

Get in touch

If you have any questions about our services or would like to discuss how we could help you, please get in touch using our contact form below. Please provide as much information as possible about the nature of your enquiry, particularly the purpose of the investigation, the site address and postcode.

Any existing or proposed site plans are useful and can be attached beneath the message box. Please provide a contact address, email and telephone number. We will get in touch as soon as possible.

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