Don Keeble Trust – Postgraduate Funding – Engineering Geology, Geotechnical & Geo-environmental Engineering

Donovan Keeble was a founding member of Southern Testing in 1967. Following a distinguished career as a professional Civil Engineer in the UK and Southern Africa, as well as military service in which he was awarded the Military Cross for action at Dunkirk, he had the vision to establish a charity to award ‘scholarships, exhibitions, bursaries or maintenance allowances for the advancement of education of persons who intend to pursue a career in Consulting Geotechnical Engineering’.

Don donated part of his shareholding in Southern Testing to the Trust, to fund the educational awards. The Trust is administered by Southern Testing. The awards are independent of Southern Testing and are designed for the educational needs of individual postgraduate students. Don was keen that application for this help should be simple and straightforward. We have given awards to over 50 geologists and civil engineers, predominately to assist funding for Masters degrees in Geotechnical Engineering, Engineering Geology and Geo-environmental Engineering.

The Trustees try to make at least one award every year. Applicants should write to Mr John Joseph at the Southern Testing’s Head Office address.

We would also be delighted to hear from candidates who have benefited from these awards. We would be interested to know how they came to hear of the awards, how it helped them at the time, and their career progression.