Keynetix UGM 2013

Representatives from Southern Testing attended the Keynetix User Group Meeting on the 26th November 2013 at the Crowne Plaza in Birmingham. The event consisted of a presentation and dinner held on the Monday evening followed by the main user group presentation on the Tuesday.

Roger Chandler gave a brief presentation on how Southern Testing is maximising the use of its Company data achieves, as part of a upgrade from Keynetix Holebase 3.1 to Holebase SI software.

Southern Testing has completed more than 35,000 individual projects over the last 47 years, and has amassed a unique and comprehensive database of ground conditions across the UK. The majority of this data is held in various databases which are currently being transferred for use in Holebase SI.

The new mapping interface in Holebase SI will allow us to easily and quickly check for projects in the vicinity of a new site, allowing us to provide our Clients with valuable information and advice, highlighting potential geotechnical and environmental issues at an early stage in a project. This is also valuable for Tendering on future schemes and assisting in later design.

Southern Testing also worked with Keynetix as development partner for their KeyLAB 2 software which has recently been implemented within our testing laboratories and stores, and which has allowed us to streamline workflow and improve laboratory efficiencies.